River Research Centre 

Our efforts involve -

The focus area of RRC is water in general and particularly rivers. The organisation is actively involved in conservation efforts across the Western Ghats and also in various other environment and ecology related aspects. the main area of activities include studies/ research on various river related aspects, campaigns among children and community for river conservation and environment protection, providing policy inputs to governments and advocacy.


We view the river basin with all the natural resources and human interactions and interventions within it as the basic geographic, cultural, social and ecological unit for any development. Most of the present problems related to water scarcity, inequity in sharing natural resources, conflicts over resource use and exploitation of natural resources is due to the lack of holistic vision of a participatory river basin level resources conservation, development and management. Our mission is to try to understand the present scenario of river basin level resources development and management being followed, it’s inherent flaws and goodness, analyze the problems and possible consequences, evolve corrective measures through research based campaigns and advocacy, intervene at policy level and help people to take the right decisions on the long term sustenance of their river basins to avoid further degradation


Our mission is to try to understand the present scenario of river basin level resources development and management being followed, it’s inherent flaws and goodness, analyze the problems and possible consequences, evolve corrective measures through research based campaigns and advocacy, intervene at policy level and help people to take the right decisions on the long term sustenance of their river basins to avoid further degradation





